Thursday, January 16, 2014

Insanity Day 15 - Fit Test

Today I started week 3 of Insanity and I began by taking the Fit Test again. You might think that because I have been doing Insanity for two straight weeks I would easily outdo the numbers I hit on day 1, but that was not completely the case. Yes, I did surpass my previous numbers in almost all categories, but for some reason I couldn't even get close to the number of Switch Kicks I did on day 1.
My thought on this is that I was not sore on day 1, but I was sore today. With Switch Kicks, you have to hop from one leg to another while bending your knee and kicking one foot straight out in front of you as close to waist height as you can. This puts a huge strain on your abs as they try to balance you while helping you pull each leg up to a high kick. I even tried the test twice on this exercise to see if I could do better the second time, I did worse.
So here are my numbers from today's Fit Test compared to the numbers from the first day. Not too bad really, but I hope to surpass them all next time.
Switch Kicks
Day 1: 103
Today: 87
Power Jacks
Day 1: 45
Today: 56
High Knees
Day 1: 93
Today: 108
Power Jumps
Day 1: 37
Today: 50
Globe Jumps
Day 1: 11
Today: 11
Suicide Jumps
Day 1: 13
Today: 17
Power Pushups
Day 1: 10
Today: 14
Crunch Plank
Day 1: 48
Today: 70

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